Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. (René Descartes, mathematician and philosopher,1599-1650)

Friday 12 September 2014

Lockington's Everyday Fiji ... Life Goes On

School Starts Again

Once again school starts again, children have to be woken up early, no more lying in and getting up at 1100 am. Uniforms to be ironed, school books to be found and dusted. Shoes to be clean and some have to look around for their school bag. Some stay at home mothers are about to do cartwheels and cant wait to see the kids go to school. Some mothers are already missing their kids.

Teachers will be groaning and hoping the holidays will be a bit longer.

To all the school children, enjoy your school days it wont be here all the time, soon you will be out of school, many will find work and a few will drop out and there will be those who will not be able to get a job.

To the teachers, enjoy your work, be a good educator and lift the standard of your school. Be a good role model to your students.

To the stay-home mothers or fathers who cant wait to see the children go to school, love your children, even if they are brats.

To the children, go and get a good education so that you may be useful to Fiji. 

Once again school starts again, children have to be woken up early, no more lying in and getting up at 1100 am. Uniforms to be ironed, school books to be found and dusted. Shoes to be clean and some have to look around for their school bag. Some stay at home mothers are about to do cartwheels and cant wait to see the kids go to school. Some mothers are already missing their kids.

Teachers will be groaning and hoping the holidays will be a bit longer.

To all the school children, enjoy your school days it wont be here all the time, soon you will be out of school, many will find work and a few will drop out and there will be those who will not be able to get a job.

To the teachers, enjoy your work, be a good educator and lift the standard of your school. Be a good role model to your students.

To the stay-home mothers or fathers who cant wait to see the children go to school, love your children, even if they are brats.

To the children, go and get a good education so that you may be useful to Fiji. 

Our Soldiers

The social media is full of comments from people regarding our boys who were captured by rebels in Syria. There is praise and there is also condemnation that they did not fight back or fight their way out into freedom.
These people should now read the rules of engagement regarding peace keeping duties....
My dad, Staff Sergent (Engineers)  Harry Griffin Lockington who was in the then Royal Fiji Military Forces, God rest his soul, would have had a few words with these people who have nothing good to say.
Many of my relatives and friends, school mates  have died in wars that they could have avoided, yet enlisted and went to fight somebody else's war, such is the prowess of our Fijian soldiers.

Have a bit of respect, is all I ask for. Many of us are grieving. 

Leg Tax

I would like to suggest to LTA one important thing.  Can you also issue a leg tax? Just like the wheel tax.

The reason I ask is because some pedestrians walk across the road at anytime even when a vehicle is approaching.

The LEG TAX will be attached to their forehead so that we drivers  give them the right of way.

This will also entitle them to walk in the middle of the road. And some of them could also apply to have an emergency light to be attached to the top of their head just like the police or ambulance.

Allen Lockington is a self-employed customs agent and business consultant who has regular articles published in Fiji. I thank Allen for permission to reprint some of them in this political blog. They remind us that life goes on, whatever the political situation. And it's good to know that.

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